MilfSexDoll: Site Review
Yes, this site has the best prices and excellent customer service! I bought a doll from this seller because according to my internet research, they... review – Can you trust this vendor?
Yes, they are trustworthy. I am a doll collector and usually buy my dolls from the same company, but decided to try this site because...
How’s your experience with
Yes, great seller, great doll. She shipped much faster than I expected. I’ve always liked her ever since. She always does what I tell her...
Is this sex doll vendor legit?
Yes, the seller is great and this site is 100% legit! My wife and I are very happy with our purchase! We purchased our first...
Is this sex doll vendor legit?
Yes, legit vendor and real company! I bought a doll in January and now I’m back to this site because they are trustworthy. The email...
CherryPieSexDoll: Site Review
Yes, Good design. The site certainly has some good code and layout. Payments are quick and as per the prices on the site. No extra... Reviews | scam, legit or safe check
Yes, it is a safe online store. Great product! The sales person I worked with was very helpful and was able to guide me to...
Read Customer Service Reviews of
Yes, the customer service was very helpful throughout the process. It was my first time buying a doll. The conclusion is: I would buy from... Is It Worth the Investment?
Yes, great buy for the money! I’ve always dreamed of having my own little sex slave in the house, and now I can fulfill my...
Is recommended?
Yes, I recommend this seller. I don’t have a lot of time for relationships and this was perfect for me. I have to say I...